Удивительные места Рязани: Борки

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Welcome to the Website dedicating to Borki region!

Hi! My name is Olga, I am an owner and runner of this website. Let me present you shortly the most important info from all sections of the website.

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Borki [`bor-ki] is one of the districts in a Russian town called Ryazan. If you did not know - Ryazan is located near Moscow, and Borki is the nearest area to the Oka river in Ryazan. Scientists think that the first tribes inhabited here about 4 thousand years ago! However the oldest things found here (coins) belong to 9th-11th centuries. It helped historians to conclude that the main occupation of those tribes was trade.
Generally Borki is believed to be the most mysterious and not fully explored settlement in Ryazan. It is connected to some legends - you will know them if you read further. Finally, it looks unusual that agriculture was not popular here, while this is the way of a village`s survival!
The real discovery began in 1878 when the Sleeper Impregnation Plant was being built in Borki. Then a lot of bronze wares were found - rings, bangles, beads, cauldrons and so on. Archeological digs showed that people possessed special instruments for fishing and hunting, had their own rituals, the way of house-building and burying, and even books!

Holy Lake There is a lake between Borki and the Oka river. It is called Holy Lake. According to a legend, while one of the attacks against Borki, the inhabitants tried to save themselves in a church near to the lake. But something bad happened and the church with the people drowned in the lake.

One of Borki legend says that once upon a time a ship sailed and wrecked because of the bad weather. Only one man from the ship could save with a raft. He drifted and drifted on his raft till he saw a hill where the man could survive. He thanked God and promised Him to build a church in his honour.
According to archive data, the church was built in a period of 1410-1420. In 1557 it was first mentioned in the chronicles. Here was a settlement of 25 houses and they all worked for the church. People did fishing, gathered honey - half of wares had to be passed to the church.
The Church Of Epiphany In 1673 the church was rebuilt and got its name - The Church Of Epiphany. With the help of the rich people the church was decorated with icons, bells for a bell tower and beautiful wrought fence.
Here is another legend about the church - there is a net of underground ways under it. It looks logical because Borki was a part of Ryazan`s defensive system and the net of such ways helped all outposts to interact with each other.
But now all this history became a thing of the past. Now there are no hints about the church`s meaning sometime ago. After the Bolsheviks came to power, everything that could be carried away was stolen, the bell tower was destroyed and the luxurious fence was passed to the local kolkhoz.

After all glaciers of the Ice Age melted, area of future Borki turned into place of numerous sand dunes. While the Sleeper Impregnation Plant`s building one of this dunes was digged out - and exactly there diggers found all those archeological things.
Local historians believe Borki is one of the centers of the Slavik culture, among Kiev and Novgorod. Borki was mentioned not only in Russian chronicles, but also in the Scandinavian and Arabic ones. They wrote here was a town called Vantit whose inhabitants were very cruel and killed every foreigner. They also knew secrets of magic, were very clever and tall.
Sakur Mountain One of legends confirms this idea. It says once upon a time giants lived on Sakur mountain. They humiliated ordinary people at first and then died because of God`s anger.
Later Vantit became a large trade town on the Oka river. Here merchants from the Baltic and the Byzantine Empire sold their goods.
Nowadays there is only one reminder about Sakur mountain - a hill in the center of Borki. Significant part of Borki`s sand was used in constructions of Ryazan`s buildings. So that is how it happened that Ryazan stands on its history.

Since 1958 Borki is officially a part of Ryazan. Earlier it was considered as a part of Ryazan oblast. Borki has on its territory: a kindergarten, a school, the Sleeper Impregnation Plant, the Water Intake Station, a cemetery, the church, a grocery, a post office, a hairdresser`s, 4 lakes (or ponds), and a forest called Lukovskiy.
The population of Borki is about 5 000 people, most of them are old people. In summer Borki is a popular place to have sunbathes and to swim in several lakes here.
One of the biggest problems is to save local ecology from pollutions in air, ground and water.


   Sleeper Impregn-n Plant (rus)
   The Church Of Epiphany (rus)
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    O. Kozhikova.